Welcome to Mars

What do the red planet and Earth have in common? More than you might think.

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Welcome to Mars

Mars has become a favorite subject of experts and enthusiasts everywhere. It's not hard to see why – the dense rock formations, captured asteroids, and stunning color all make for a breathtakingly different world. However, a few key facts show us that Mars isn't actually that different from our own.

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Exploring Mars is not just about reaching a new destination; it's about reaching into the unknown of our own human potential. Every journey to the red planet is a testament to our curiosity, resilience, and determination to understand the mysteries of the universe and ultimately ourselves.

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Human beings have been captivated by the stars since the beginning of time. However, a recent fascination with Mars specifically has reached the social consciousness.

The creation of Mars as we know it today is quite interesting. Mars lost all of its dense atmosphere, leading to a rapid cooling effect and all the water evaporating. This also created the dense rock formations that we associate with the planet today.

This desire to explore these changes might be a bit ironic though: after all, most scientists agree that

. This red giant isn't just a different world. It's also a glimpse into our own planet's future.

Sharing humanity with the help of a robot

Scientists sent a high-tech robot to explore this planet. But it wasn't as simple as sending up a tool. They affectionately named it Curiosity. Scientists even programmed it to sing "Happy Birthday" to itself as it gathered data. These very human impulses that we decided to send up to Mars – to wonder, to explore, and to celebrate – showcase some of the best parts of us Earthlings.

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